M/S Henrik Ibsen anno 1907

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Styrehuset Henrik Ibsen

The Unique History of
M/S Henrik Ibsen

Established in 1907

M/S Henrik Ibsen has a rich history that stretches over more than a century. The ship was built in 1907 at Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstad in Gothenburg and delivered to Göteborgs Nya Ångslups AB. In its early career, it sailed on scheduled routes between Gothenburg and popular destinations such as Långedrag, Köpstadsö, Styrsö Bratten, Villabron, Tången, Vargö, Känsö, and Brännö. This was a time when the ship transported passengers to and from idyllic spots in the archipelago, playing a key role in daily life along the coast.


Frakt av passasjerer

In 1922, M/S Henrik Ibsen was sold to AB Styrsö Havsbad but continued to operate in the archipelago around Gothenburg. A few years later, in 1928, AB Styrsö Havsbad merged with Styrsö Nya Trafik AB. In 1929, the ship underwent a renovation to meet new needs.

The name of the shipping company was changed to Styrsö Trafik AB in 1935, and in 1952, the ship underwent a significant modernization when the original steam engine was replaced with a diesel engine. M/S Henrik Ibsen continued to serve as a reliable transporter in the archipelago for several decades.


På verksted

In 1979, the ship faced a challenge when it ran aground in Rivöfjorden on its way to Uddevalla. This required the ship to be taken out of service for repairs. After being returned to operation, it continued to operate until 1992, when it was sold to Turist Trafikk Dalen AS in Telemark, Norway. It was renamed M/S Henrik Ibsen and put into service on the beautiful Telemark Canal, where it now transported tourists between Skien and Dalen. The ship was registered under Skien Dalen Skipsselskap A/S.


MSHI ved kai i Dalen

In 2008, the ship had to be laid up for the entire canal season due to a lack of certification, but in 2009, everything changed. Thor Morten Halvorsen, the owner of Dalen Hotel, purchased M/S Henrik Ibsen for a symbolic one crown. The following year, the ship underwent a complete renovation and was once again put into service, this time registered under Telemarkkanalens Skipsselskap A/S in Skien.

As an important piece of cultural heritage, M/S Henrik Ibsen was officially registered as a trademark in 2015, and today it proudly sails on the Telemark Canal, serving as a reminder of both past and present maritime traditions.