The Culinary Delight of Dalen Hotel


Restaurant Bandak has a unique historical position and is described as one of the hotel's most important sights. The restaurant has been preserved in its original condition and should definitely be explored when visiting us. Afternoon Tea is one of our guest favorites and can be enjoyed outside on our terrace or in one of our historic lounges. We also have a picnic basket that we are happy to fill, if you want to take your lunch out into the garden or on a hike. We organize wine tastings, Wine O'Clock, every day for passionate guests who want to explore the world of wine, and we are more than happy to arrange a chambre séparée for your exclusive dinner party, anniversary or other celebration. 

For guests without accommodation, we release a small selection of tables in Restaurant Bandak every evening. Please contact us directly to inquire about capacity: E-mail: [email protected] // Tel: +47 35 07 90 00.

We warmly welcome you as a guest to a historic dining experience you will never forget!

Chambre séparée
We would also like to inform you that you have the option of reserving Chambre séparée for those special occasions.